Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Thoughts on 3D TV

I hate 3D television.

I can remember sitting in the huge theater in Disney's MGM (it was MGM at the time) Studios staring at the massive screen in front of me. The magical wonder of images coming right off the screen and seemingly into the audience amazed me! It was my first experience with 3D. Years later I saw a similar show at another theme park, Universal Studios on the Terminator Ride. However, during this show real actors jumped off the screen and into certain parts of the audience, flawlessly mixing 3D video and live acting; now that was cool.

So then you must be wondering why I have such a beef with moving 3D into the living room. Well, here's the thing. I like mono 2D television. It's simple, entertaining, and generally doesn't induce motion sickness. It seems as though more and more 3D televisions are popping up, and the content used to sell them is gimmicky. While 3D fish and cartoon frogs that stick their tongues out at you might look cool, let's be honest, how practical is 3D mainstream television? For instance, the classic show Seinfeld was shot in the 90s and is just as entertaining without Newman's large figure bursting out at you while you watch in 3D. The show was actually filmed using 35mm film, not a television standard. However, this large format allowed for the show to be converted into digital HD quality footage, a worthwhile upgrade in my opinion.

So what about those fantastic 3D shows I was so captivated by in amusement parks? Do I despise them now as well? No, rather I think they have found a perfect home in amusement parks as an attraction, not as a staple in the American home like 2D television has become. So I implore you to hesitate before jumping on the stereo (3D) television bandwagon and wait for this fad to blow over...and don't even get me started on 3D movies!

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