Thursday, February 9, 2012

About Me

Where to start? Perhaps with the very difficult challenge I face on an almost daily basis explaining what my chosen major at TCNJ actually is. Interactive Multimedia. Often the name scares individuals or perplexes them to a point of aggravation. "Oh yeah, so what are you gonna do with that," is often a common question I receive, but I am happy to say that Interactive Multimedia have become a definite part of me. I have learned skills in video editing, web design, photography, video, and coding.The way I see it, my skills are very varied compared to other candidates from comparable fields, and that is what makes me that much more marketable.

But that's just my Major. What else is there to know about me? Well, I'm a drummer (since the 4th grade), video gamer, lover of music, movies and all things Star Wars. My passion is film making and I hope to be able to pursue it as far as possible, perhaps even to the point of a career. All in all, I'm a true friend and always look forward to what's next.

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